These are my personal experiments and random things.

Below you'll find all my small projects that I did for educational or entertainment purposes. Or because I needed something that didn't exist yet :)

Some of these will have the source code and project files available as download so you can faff about with it. Keep in mind that these aren't made to be highly-optimized or finished products, so the code may be slightly messy and may need some polishing.
Pretty much all of these will be made for Windows, but I'm dabbling in Linux stuff (Raspberry Pi mainly) lately too so who knows.

This page will be updated when I've got new stuff, which is every now and then.

Open source stuff

Ray tracer Qbasic Ray Tracer
I acquired a 1993 Texas Instruments Travelmate 4000 and decided to make a ray tracer in QBASIC 1.1 on it. Because I can I guess?

Honestly: it was great fun, mostly because the keyboard of that thing is so nice to type on. Better than most modern laptop keyboards!
The ray tracer is quite simple obviously, as it's kinda speed-limited on a non-FPU CPU running interpreted basic code haha. It does do diffuse lighting, shadows and reflections however! On just spheres, as they are mathematically generated.

I have since added a 3D editor, so you can create your own scenes. Spheres can be created and edited.

Download source code: SOURCE

Reaction Reaction
Reaction is a little application I made as practice and training. It simulates "particles" that follow a set of rules, interacting in various ways with eachother.
There are 4 different "tiers" of particles, the higher the tier the heavier the particle and the more energy it needs to react. These particles can tranfer energy or create/destroy heavier particles when the colission energy is high enough.

This was compiled in VS2013 for Win32. The code could use a lot of optimization still.

Download executable:
Download source code:

ASSM Compiler ASSM Compiler
This is a simple little processor emulation with a "compiler", just something random I made back in 2013 as practice.
It was based on a simple 4-bit processor I was making out of relays. Quite a cool project that I never finished unfortunately. This program emulates what the processor could do. My idea was to eventually be able to code programs in this and then run that code on the relay processor.

This was compiled in VC++ 2010 Express, so a pretty old project format with old Windows Forms (ew), for Win32.

Download executable: EXECUTABLE
Download source code: SOURCE

Made this for a friend, it simply converts an Wavefront *.obj model file to XML, back in 2013.
Loading can be very slow as it dumps information in the textboxes. I'm not even sure if it works properly right now. But it might be educational to check out, haha? I remember also wanting to put in a little preview, but my skills were lacking.

This was compiled in VC++ 2010 Express, so a pretty old project format with old Windows Forms (ew), for Win32.

Download executable: EXECUTABLE
Download source code: SOURCE

Back when I was trying to make my own engine (Draggie Engine) in 2013, I also wanted to try to make a voxel engine. Because MineCraft. What else!
It doesn't do much: you can move around in steps with WASD and UP/DOWN (I didn't know much about camera maths back then) and place various blocks with the function keys.

This was compiled in VC++ 2010 Express, so a pretty old project format, for Win32.

Download executable: EXECUTABLE

Download source code:

Draggie Engine Draggie Engine
My very first attempt at making my own engine, and I barely knew C++ back in 2012! I guess I wanted to challenge myself but this rather turned into a very failed but very educational experience. I did learn many things from this failure, combined with properly learning modern OpenGL later on, making me ablo to make my second engine project (Hatchling Engine) more of a success!
I have many, many versions of this project, the latest version before I went to a C++ classes library format, is provided in the download.

This was compiled in VC++ 2010 Express, so a pretty old project format, for Win32.

Download executable:
Download source code:

Closed source stuff

SQK Table Generator SQK Table Generator
This is something I made to generate wavetable arrays for the C++ code of my DIY synthesizers. I've used it a fair bit already.

The graph editing could really use some polishing, such as a gradient influence by the mouse and different kinds of edit modes.
I'm also thinking of adding a little section in which you can set the harmonics and modify the waveform that way too.

This is compiled for Win32 only and will be closed-source until I've decided if I'm going to polish this and ship it with the SQK-01, or not. Currently it's not in a state that it should be part of a commercial product, so I've put it here.

Download executable: EXECUTABLE

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